Tuesday, 4 January 2011

The Brief

In this blog I hope to document the various processes that are involved in making a creature bust for my 2nd yr unit Commercial Exploration. The main point of this unit is to explore aspects of an industry we are particularly interested in or one we plan to work in after we graduate. This is a short excerpt from my personal Learning Agreement where I outline what I plan to do and get out of this project:

"In this project I plan to focus on some of the making processes involved in creature production for film and TV.
Project will include these main processes:
  • Sculpting
  • Mouldmaking
  • Silicone casting
  • Silicone painting
  • Hair punching and styling
The final bust will be sculpted in WED clay around a wooden bust peg, moulded in fibreglass (multiple parts), cast out with a Platgel silicone skin (brushed in) with a rigid foam core and polyurethane-coated stand. Eye forms of the same size as the final eyes will be used to sculpt around and the final eyes will be bought in due to the complexity of eye-making. The making of eyes would be a project in itself."

This blog might not include any of my research (this will be submitted as a separate document) but I will include any links etc necessary to explain the reasons behind any decisions I make in the practical side of this project.

I hope this blog proves useful to anyone wanting to do the same kind of thing and will be used by myself as a practical reminder for processes I might want to repeat in future units.

David Bonneywell adding colour to the Ood at Millennium FX
(taken during 6 week work placement, August 2010)