Tuesday, 4 January 2011

The Design

If I planned to focus on aspects of creature design for this project as well as the making processes then my subject matter for this bust would be much more considered. But because I am simply focusing on the processes, I have come up with a design that caters for the various techniques I wish to explore in the unit. For example: for me to introduce myself to hair punching, the design must have some sort of hair on it etc.

Below are a couple of scans from my sketchbook showing the design I ended up going with. I couldn't get the ears to look right on paper so I left them to be experimented with later on during the sculpt. The far left sketch was the first but the ears were too typical, the middle and right sketches are more towards what I want to produce. The design will change during the sculpting process - as this might not translate as well in three dimensions...